
Ana Zequin
Lives and works in Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil.

Starting from the idea of ​​a QR Code being formed by minuscule points that together take you somewhere else, several small works comprise this installation in various techniques (design, watercolor, and oil).

I wonder what you look like, what you're wearing, what you don't want to forget., 2021

Watercolor, gouache, oil, wax, paper, glue and MDF.

The works are composed of images from the artist’s imagination that refer to the experience of migration and the estrangement that comes from the displacement in the space. The images, mostly abstract, refer to physical and psychological sensations about longing, the relationship with the novelty and also the new (and old) personal relationships that permeate the foreign experience. Next to the works, a QR Code directs the viewers to a place where they can send the artist a message or image, describing something of their own sensitive experience.

Book a 1:1 session with Uncool Artist founder, Carolina Paz, and take your art practice and career to the next level.

This is your chance to connect, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance about your career.*

* Spots are limited and for information about our residency and studio programs use please see this page.