Danny Starr
Lives and works in Wilmington, NC, U.S.
Danny first gained his graphic design degree from Fort Lewis College where he discovered his love for painting. This led him to attend the Angel Academy of Art in Florence, Italy studying the traditional atelier techniques.
The artist utilizes classical oil painting techniques in his works. Strong tonal contrasts are used to dramatize the paintings. Excitable color schemes are also presented to help accent the emotional tone that has been placed in the work. Underlying these, he also employs the use of geometry, used as a structural as well as a philosophical element to the works.
Rubber Stamps & Ink on Envelopes
Portrait of John C. Dancy
24” X 36”.
It can be easy to take what we learn from our sanctioned school history books as the complete and objective truth. As we should, the facts there are well, historical! What we don’t often realize is that by sticking to a curriculum we often begin to weave a story. We attach dates to specific events and once they happen, it’s as if they become “settled.” When we do that, certain historical moments can be left quiet and some things our greater populous would benefit to understand get left in the shadows.
As many as 40-60 people were killed by the mob that day and their bodies were thrown into the Cape Fear River. John C. Daly was one of the persons who fled to safety and couldn’t come back to his position as collector of customs for years.
Do we naturally want to hide some of our historical dark moments? How can we effectively learn about where collective hate and fear leads us if we keep historical events like the Wilmington race riot under wraps? A large portion of American society has been under the belief that racism at a systemic level doesn’t exist anymore. Recent historical events have proven that is not the case. It can be dangerous to remain ignorant. It is important to know our history.
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