
Erica Iassuda
b.  São Paulo, SP. Lives and works in Itu, SP, Brazil

Erica Iassuda is a Brazilian Japanese artist who lives and works in Itu, Brazil. Her work is autobiographical and directly influenced by her ancestry. Her philosophical language gently creates a space for internal dialogues, pointing out the hardness of honestly looking at oneself in such critical times. 


Erica Iassuda
b.  São Paulo, SP. Lives and works in Itu, SP, Brazil

Nipo-brasileira, Erica possui influência da sua ancestralidade na estética da sua pintura e em sua pesquisa.

Seu fazer artístico trilha, como uma vocação, uma estrada que une seus desejos velados, sua história pessoal e seus interesses mais perto do coração. Assim, assume sem volta uma trajetória de estudos teóricos desde a filosofia clássica e história da arte até a física quântica e práticos da pintura à óleo à escultura e, mais recentemente o teatro.




Nothing we planned actually happened, 2021

Installation (10 painted postcards for display, 1 instruction card and a stack of 150 postcards for public interaction)

The artist invites us to participate in a kind of self-fiction in which we face the horizon of the planet’s destruction. The work presented in the exhibition opens another horizon of Iassuda’s poetics: through painting, the artist explores traces of her familiar oriental heritage, its permanencies and relics. In Nothing We Planned Actually Happened, relics and memory take on new meaning and become fictional records of a non-existent future.

Book a 1:1 session with Uncool Artist founder, Carolina Paz, and take your art practice and career to the next level.

This is your chance to connect, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance about your career.*

* Spots are limited and for information about our residency and studio programs use please see this page.