
Tuca Chicalé Galvan
São Paulo, SP. Lives and works in São Paulo, SP, Brazil. 

Tuca Chicalé Galvan is a visual artist and has been a hospital administrator since 1988, with a postgraduate degree in people management and art therapy. She carried out her artistic training in independent courses in painting, ceramics, photography, drawing, and crafts such as mosaic, woodworking, and marquetry. As of 2018, Tuca began professionalization in visual arts, emphasizing the study of sculpture. In her works, she investigates the environment of the city and the construction of subjectivity and memories. Her recent exhibitions include Uncool Artist’s Do write (right) to me in New York and Miami and multiple group exhibitions in other cities in the U.S. and Brazil. 

Tuca Chicalé Galvan
Nasceu em São Paulo, vive e trabalha em São Paulo.

Tuca Chicalé Galvan é artista visual e administradora hospitalar desde 1988, com pós-graduação em gestão de pessoas e arteterapia. Realizou sua formação artística em cursos independentes de pintura, cerâmica, fotografia, desenho e artesanato como mosaico, marcenaria e marchetaria. A partir de 2018, Tuca iniciou a profissionalização nas artes visuais, com ênfase no estudo da escultura. Em suas obras, investiga o ambiente da cidade e a construção da subjetividade e das memórias. Suas exposições recentes incluem Uncool Artist’s Do write (right) to me em Nova York e Miami e várias exposições coletivas em outras cidades nos EUA e no Brasil.


Cards out of the deck, 2022

1000 paper business cards, 52 playing cards, 20 clear acetate cards, 1 microchip – 1.71 x 30 cm

The artistic practice of Tuca Chicalé Galvan at times involves collecting. She collects and organizes materials that, over time, are mobilized to compose works from which she explores the construction of memory and affections in the city. Galvan builds a sculpture with 1000 paper business cards in this work, connected by folds and fittings. Such connections, apparently fragile, structure a column that rises in space. This column serves as a metaphor for the web of relationships and fidelity formed, often from exchanging these small pieces of paper. By composing such a sculpture, Galvan evidences a fundamental transformation in the communicational sphere. We no longer exchange cards; instead, we share Instagram profiles and WhatsApp contacts: the card now exists in a virtual environment.

Cartas fora do baralho [Cards out of the deck], 2022

1000 cartões de visita em papel, 52 cartas de baralho, 20 cartões em acetato incolor, 1 microchip – 1,71 x 30 cm

A prática artística de Tuca Chicalé Galvan envolve, por vezes, o colecionismo. Ela recolhe e organiza materiais que, ao longo do tempo, são mobilizados para compor trabalhos a partir dos quais explora a construção da memória e dos afetos na cidade. Neste trabalho, Galvan constrói uma escultura com 1000 cartões de visita em papel, conectados por dobraduras e encaixes. Tais conexões, aparentemente frágeis, estruturam uma coluna que se ergue no espaço, e que serve de metáfora para a teia de relações e de fidelidade que se formavam, com frequência a partir da troca destes pequenos pedaços de papel. Na atualidade, a troca de cartões é substituída pelo intercâmbio de perfis de instagram e de contatos de whatsapp: o cartão passa a existir em um ambiente virtual. Ao compor tal escultura, Galvan evidencia uma importante transformação na esfera comunicacional.


This card is for you, 2021

Printed postcards and calendar 

On the postcards, she usually writes a poem about nostalgia and the way to deal with the absence of the other. In the exhibition, the artist exhibits an installation made up of postcards hanging over a calendar for the coming months of this year. The viewer is invited to remove a postcard and send it to an unknown person at a random address. With each postcard removed, the void of longing will arise, leaving only the dates on the wall to mark the time. The installation is an ode to the time we dedicate to others and the marks left on us by their absence.

Book a 1:1 session with Uncool Artist founder, Carolina Paz, and take your art practice and career to the next level.

This is your chance to connect, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance about your career.*

* Spots are limited and for information about our residency and studio programs use please see this page.